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- Sunday, March 13, 2016

Journal Two

Hey, guys.
My last post that was about some of my important events in my life was the end of my Auto-Biography before the middle of this semester. 

It has been a long time since my first writing on this blog. I have already shared some of my experiences and my knowledge through this blog. I hoped you can enjoy my blog, although there are some mistakes that I made in writing on this blog.

I used to think that write an article was so bored, I had never written any diary before. Actually, I just wrote when the teacher gave a lesson, I even did not write any notes when the teacher taught was so boring. 

However, I myself realized that writing is one of the important things that we can do to explore more about something, especially for study foreign languages. We can learn more about what we interesting in with writing. We can learn other aspects with writing, such as grammar, tenses, and we even can make a scenario with learn writing. Hehe

This month is the middle of the second semester. And, I have learnt some writing skills since the first day I join writing class. I have learnt how to compile a story with the good order. I have learnt where I have to put the punctuation in the right place. And, I have been learning some grammar and tenses here. However, I am still not so good in writing with various vocabularies. I sometimes even forget the tenses that I have to use to write.

We will have midterm tests this week. I will prepare myself with some new words, so that my writing will be more interesting. And, I will learn more about the use of the tenses. Because of having midterm tests, I think there will not be anything new in here untill we have done with all the midterm tests.

I want to thank you for reading my blog. I will be more pleased if you give some comments below. 
Thank you for reading.

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